Strategy 21, which is based on the core values of the European Council, hopes to encourage and facilitate the implementation of the heritage-related conventions through a shared and unifying approach to cultural heritage and its management. The website has been launched with the hope of making Strategy 21 more understandable to policymakers, stakeholders and citizens. Further the aim is also that the website will enable the implementation of Strategy 21’s recommendations.
<link http: https: en web culture-and-heritage strategy-21 external-link-new-window>Visit the website to learn more about:
- The three components of Strategy 21 (Social; Territorial and Development; and Knowledge and Education);
- The list of recommendations for each component;
- The challenges to overcome in relation to each recommendation;
- Practical courses of action to take make real impact in the area of each recommendation;
- Examples of good practice for each recommendation from across Europe to act as inspiration