The <link https: eusurvey runner psi-directive_review external-link-new-window external link in new>questionnaire is divided in 3 parts, you can indicate if you want to respond to a section or not, namely:
- Part 1 – Evaluation: "The purpose of this part of the questionnaire is to help the Commission assess whether the Directive in its current shape has met the needs of citizens and business and to assist the Commission in making the legal framework simpler and less costly to apply."
- Part 2 – Review: "This part of the questionnaire aims to identify areas which would benefit from EU intervention of legislative or non-legislative nature."
- Part 3 – Access by public sector bodies to data of public interest coming from private sector entities: "In the current context of rapid development of communication and information technologies, public institutions are increasingly becoming not only the producers but also major consumers of data which they use to provide better services to citizens, as well as to other government organisations."
There's also the possibility to upload additional documents, in order to share short position papers or to raise specific points not covered by the questionnaire.
NEMO will also respond to the public consultation and encourages its members and museums to do so too!
<link https: eusurvey runner psi-directive_review external-link-new-window external link in new>Public Consultation on the Review of the Directive on the Re-Use of Public Sector Information (PSI Directive)
<link https: info consultations public-consultation-review-directive-re-use-public-sector-information-psi-directive_en external-link-new-window external link in new>Further information by the European Commission
Thank you to <link http: external-link-new-window external link in new>C4C for the comprehensive summary!