Against a green background are drawn images of plants. The image is headlined with #Museumsgogreen on the top.
#MuseumsGoGreen for the climate

Museums for Future has issued a call for action for museums and cultural heritage institutions to join the social media campaign #MuseumsGoGreen during Green Week, which takes place from 19-23 April 2021. On Earth Day 22 April,…

 Group of people at a demonstration for the environment carrying a banner that says "Museums for Future"
Let your collection demand…

On Friday 19 March 2021, the 7th Global Climate Strike will take place. Museums for Future is encouraging museums and museum professionals to support the digital campaign #NoMoreEmptyPromises by joining an online #CuratorBattle…

 Diagram illustrating 17 sustainable development goals. Each keyword is represented by a simple illustration in a colourful square.
NEMO contributes to a EC report on the…

On 3 and 4 December 2020, NEMO participated in a Voices of Cutlure (VoC) brainstorm session to discuss the challenges and opportunities for culture to be part of realising the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The…

Invitation to co-design the New European Bauhaus

On 18 January 2021, the European Commission officially launched the co-design phase of the New European Bauhaus. Stakeholders from…

 This photograph depicts a person showing to children how to handle dough. They stand outside behind a wooden trough.
Step-by-step guides on implementing…

Ki Culture has released three guides that promise simple step-by-step guidance to implementing sustainable changes within cultural heritage institutions. Each guide focus on different themes, which include Waste and Material,…

NEMO confirmed as a EU Climate Pact Ambassador

The European Commission has approved NEMO as a climate pact ambassador for culture. Together with other organisations and…

 Screenshot of a zoom meeting.
NEMO prepares for a VoC structured dialogue…

On December 2nd and 3rd, NEMO’s Project Officer and sustainability liaison, Elizabeth Rosenberg, took part in a Voices of Culture (VoC) structured dialogue. Hosted by the European Commission, experts from the culture sector were…

Statement on the role of museums in addressing the climate crisis

NEMO supports the Bremerhaven Declaration, which is one of the outcomes is the outcome of the international symposium “How To...?…

Culture x Climate 2020 inspires to a…

From 12 October to 27 November 2020, the virtual forum “Culture x Climate 2020” will unite leaders, practitioners, activists, researchers, and experts. They will exchange on and learn how arts, culture and heritage can help drive…