A group of people stand in front of a modern painting together with a museum educator. The image is photographed from bird perspective.
NEMO Webinar on trans inclusion in museums:…

Next Tuesday 10 September from 11:00-12:00 CEST, NEMO invites to a free of charge webinar that will help museums, galleries and cultural organisations advance trans inclusion - a step that inherently enhances inclusivity for all…

 Two children are photographed from the back in a blue lit exhibition space. One of them is sitting, the other one is standing in front of a tablet.
LGBTQIA+ teens most affected by the youth…

The mental health crisis among young people is hitting LGBTQIA+ teens particularly hard according to recent research. Learn below how NEMO is committed to help museums support and empower queer teens and other marginalised…

Project launch of ECHOES - For a…

The European Cloud for Heritage OpEn Science (ECHOES) project was officially launched on 31 July 2024. NEMO is one of 51 partners of the project, running from 2024-2029, that aims to establish the European Collaborative Cloud for…

Petra Havu takes over as Chairperson of the…

After 10 years as Chair of the NEMO Executive Board, David Vuillaume is stepping down since he is leaving the German Museums Association. Petra Havu, CEO of the Finnish Museums Association and member of the board since 2022, has…

 Six people walk behind each other over a bridge.
Five new trial members joined NEMO in 2024

Five organisations from Greece, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland and Ukraine were selected to join NEMO for a one-year trial membership in 2024. The opportunity grants access to all benefits associated with a membership in NEMO…

 Person standing with their back to the photographer in blue shirt and red cap leans over to look at objects in a display case.
Register to NEMO Webinar on advancing trans…

On 10 September, from 11:00-12:00 CEST, the next NEMO Webinar will take place. Members of the team at the University of Leicester’s Research Centre for Museums and Galleries (RCMG) will introduce participants to their recent…

 A person stands next to a screen and gives a presentation to another person, who sits at a desk.
Five museum educators have been selected for…

NEMO is happy to announce that five museum educators, connected to NEMO member organisations, from Türkiye, Hungary, Estonia, Lithuania and North Macedonia have been selected for the NEMO One to One Mentoring programme cycle…

 A security officer, wearing a face mask, sits next to ancient stone busts inside a museum space
Contribute to questionnaire on museums and…

NEMO has launched an anonymous questionnaire to gather an overview of the status quo of political influence and effects of polarisation on museums in Europe. The results will feed into discussions at the NEMO European Museum…

Join NEMO and get 2 free tickets to the…

Has your organisation ever considered joining NEMO? Become a member now to secure two tickets free of charge to the NEMO European Museum Conference, taking place 10-12 November in Sibiu, Romania.