New NEMO guide helps museums organise…

In an increasingly polarised world, museums hold a crucial role in fostering dialogue and social cohesion. As trusted institutions, they can provide safe spaces for meaningful discussions on pressing issues such as climate change,…

NEMO joins kick-off meeting for Horizon…

From 23-24 January 2025, NEMO participated in the kick-off meeting for TOWCHED in Valencia, Spain. The meeting marked the official launch of this three-year initiative (2025-2027), which explores the role of inclusive, arts-based,…

Call for applications: 2025 ENCATC Academy on…

Thanks to our continued partnership with ENCATC, NEMO is excited to accept applications from its members to the 2025 edition of the ENCATC Academy on Sustainable Cultural Management and Policy, taking place from 14–17 April in…

 The facade of a building is covered by a vertical garden.
German Museums Association launches…

The German Museums Association has launched the project ‘Zertifizierung “Nachhaltige Museen” – Vom Wollen zum Machen’ (‘Sustainable Museums’ Certification – From wanting to doing). This initiative aims to develop and implement a…

COP Council Conclusions on environment and Culture at COP29

The 2024 Council Conclusions, released on 14 October, underscore the vital role of the cultural heritage sector in addressing…

 In an urban landscape, a plant is growing from a concrete street.
UN Summit of the Future recognises culture’s…

At the September 2024 Summit of the Future, global leaders adopted the action-driven Pact for the Future, which emphasises culture's essential role in advancing sustainable development.

NEMO training at the Louvre explored museums…

On 14-15 October 2024, a group of 10 NEMO members had the opportunity to meet with French colleagues in Paris for a workshop focused on the theme of eco-transition in museums and aimed to strengthen dialogue between museum…

NEMO spoke at international museum conference…

On 10 October 2024, NEMO Policy Officer Elizabeth Wilde was an invited speaker at the international conference 'Heaven, earth, human, museum: Conserving the earth environment and linguistic diversity' in Seoul, South Korea.

G7 Culture Ministers declare culture a global public good in Naples Declaration

At the G7 Culture Ministers' meeting in Naples from 19–21 September 2024, member countries adopted the Naples Declaration,…