Join EESC President Luca Jahier’s Political Internship at the Royal Museums in Turin

© Image: Daniele Bottallo Man restoring an ancient piece of art with the guidance of a restaurator

© Image: Daniele Bottallo

On 24 May 2019, Luca Jahier, President of the European Economic and Social Committee, participated in NEMO's museum advocacy initiative Political Internships in Museums. An initiative that intends to create direct contact between museums and European politicians and decision-makers.

Luca Jahier left the experience with a greater awareness of museums and museum work that stretches beyond the exhibition halls and said “if museums are run not only as an ordered accumulation of objects of teaching but rather with policies to create new perspectives they can become centres of city life. Centres that help cities rediscover their true purpose and live better."


As Enrica Pagella, Director of the Royal Museums put it “museums are essential for the healthy creative development of a community.” Museums have a pivotal role in society as they create spaces for inspiration, refection and dialogue and contributing to a sense of belonging.