Figures from 2022 showed that the visitor numbers were restored to the pre-pandemic level of 2019. The most recent survey (available in Danish) from 2023 shows that the majority of Danish museums performed on the same level or better:
- Half of the museums (49%) had significantly higher visitor numbers (10%+) in 2023 than in 2022.
- Every third museum (35%) maintained visitor numbers from 2022 (less than 10% fluctuation).
- Every sixth museum (16%) experienced a decrease in visitor numbers of more than 10% compared to 2022.
The overall positive trend is reflected in the economy:
- 88% of museums expect to break even or make a profit in 2023 - the corresponding figure for 2022 was 75%.
- 1 in 10 museums expect a significant deficit in 2023 - in 2022 it was 1 in 5 museums.
Museums in the Capital Region saw the highest increase in visitors, whereas museums in the Southern and Central regions experienced the biggest drop:
- 7 out of the 10 museums that have experienced the largest increase in visitor numbers (increase over 30%) are located in the Capital Region. 1 is in the Central Region.
- 9 out of the 10 museums that have experienced the largest decrease in visitor numbers (decrease over 10%) are located in the Central or Southern Region. None are in the Capital Region.