Dutch government's VAT increase threatens access to culture, sports, media

 Two children are depicted dancing joyfully inside an exhibition space.

The Dutch government’s plan to increase VAT from 9% to 21% has prompted a united response in protest and joint action from key actors in the sports, media, books, culture, and the hospitality sectors.

Foreseeing devastating effects for museums caused by such a drastic VAT increase, the Dutch Museums Association is part of the coalition. A higher tax burden would create severe financial strain, cutting deeply into budgets and jeopardizing the quality and accessibility of museum offerings. Admission prices may need to rise, limiting access for many people, and museums might be forced to decrease educational programmes, exhibitions, and community outreach efforts.

Overall, the proposed VAT increase, set to take effect in 2026, will lead to higher prices, making sports, media, books, cultural activities, and hospitality services less accessible to the public. The coalition stresses that these are not mere luxuries but essential parts of Dutch daily life, contributing significantly to the quality of free time, mental and physical well-being, education, and cultural engagement.

NEMO supports the coalition in its efforts to prevent this drastic VAT rise. Culture is one of the pillars of social cohesion and personal enrichment. Ensuring citizens access to museums and culture, as well as sports and media, is key to maintaining a vibrant, informed, and healthy society.