The European Cultural Foundation finds that the shared European interest and movement is completely lacking in the current corona crisis. Each nation looks to their own needs when a unified effort could be more efficient. With this in mind, the Foundation hopes to capture and encourage European culture of solidarity. The Fund - set up in partnership with other foundations - is looking to support imaginative cultural initiatives - big or small - that reinforce solidarity and the notion of Europe as a shared public space in response to the current crisis and its aftershocks. It is open to individuals, collectives and organisations from all sectors and civil society at large with initiatives and ideas that:
- expand the notion of Europe as an open and shared public space for everybody in times of inward- looking and national decision-making;
- express and act in hands-on solidarity with people and communities across closed borders;
- share experiences, knowledge, skills, stories, ideas and resources of solidarity across Europe, especially outside mainstream public attention;
- sustain people-to-people interaction beyond European borders and in times of travel restrictions and social distancing;
- maintain cultural life and social experiences with a European outreach in times of home lockdown and prepare the ground for a cultural revival of Europe after the crisis;
- develop new approaches in operations of cultural work and new alliances across sectors to deal with the current challenges imposed by the crisis.
Find all details, including the April 27 deadline online.