The new funding and tender opportunities are part of Cluster 2 of the Horizon Europe Programme. Cluster 2 gathers calls relevant for Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Societies. Find the agenda and more information of how to join the Info-day on 7 December online.
The new topics of Cluster 2 will be presented in three thematic blocks: green, digital, innovative. Some of the topics include:
- Mitigation of the effects of climate change and natural hazards on cultural heritage
- Protection of artefacts and cultural goods from anthropogenic threats
- The new European Bauhaus
- Europe’s cultural heritage and arts - promoting our values at home and abroad
- Games and culture shaping our society
On 8 December, the European Commission invites to a brokerage event to facilitate a kind of match-making between the participants for them to identify possible collaborators and to facilitate the setup of Horizon Europe project consortia.
Do you want to learn more about creating successful proposal? Check out NEMO’s toolkit on Cross-Border Cooperation for Museums.