The guide helps direct cultural actors to appropriate funding opportunities based on a quick questionnaire about their sector, type of organisation and the kind of support they are looking for. The results are accompanied by the available budgets, application process and a link to the specific programme or call.
The interactive approach makes EU funding more approachable as Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, Mariya Gabriel said at the press launch: “It was high time to accompany cultural actors in their search for European funds and to gather in one single guide all the funding opportunities the EU offer them. This unprecedented mapping allows all cultural actors to find the best European funding for them among 75 opportunities in just three clicks.”
- Explore the CulturEU Funding Guide.
- On the same topic, check out NEMO’s toolkit on Cross-Border Cooperation for Museums.
The guide has been developed to help all types and sizes of partners working in the cultural and creative sectors to navigate the EU funding landscape, to understand which opportunities are available to them, and ultimately help them to access EU funding more easily. CulturEU will be regularly updated with the most recent information about new funding calls and by early 2022 it will be available in all EU languages.
- Read the full press release about the launch of CulturEU.