The report deals with the climate emergency, how to better integrate the power of culture and the Culture and Creative Sectors and Industries (CCSI) into other socio-economic activities and industries across Europe to address and contain climate change as well as how to enable and accelerate the greening of cultural activities and the CCSI.
The main recommendation put forward to the European Commission is to introduce new institutional forms of support and funding structures to empower CCSI to break with tradition and expectation, break rules, habits and practices, replacing them with new perspectives and forms. CCSI needs courageous, competent funding and policy enablement to be able to offer the courageous cultural interventions that a complex, multi-dimensional strategy such as the European Green Deal needs.
The brainstorming session as well as the report highlight the sectors’ dual impact on the climate. The cultural sector must modify the ways culture is produced since cultural activities and creative industries are among the most energy intensive industries. Hower, the cultural sector, if adequately and consistently supported, also has the power to engage and inspire people to imagine and co-create a viable, low carbon, just and sustainable future.
- Learn more and access the report
- Join us at NEMO's European Museum Conference “and… ACTION! Museums in the climate crisis” from 19-21 November in Lahti, Finland, to further explore how museums can be part of the green transition
Voices of Culture is funded by the European Commission and implemented by Goethe-Institut. Its main objective is to provide a channel for the voices from the cultural sector to be heard at EU and member state levels, strengthen the advocacy capacity of the cultural sector in policy debates whilst encouraging the sector and the Commission to work more closely together.