On its website, the The Pulszky Society has launched a new menu item called “MÚZEUM MÁSKÉNT” (which means 'Museum Alternate' or 'Museum As' like the 'Save As' function in IT applications). The aim of this new feature is to collect and share useful information, give recommendations, share best practices, give aid to the museums in state of emergency.
The Pulszky Society has translated some of the content of the platform:
Ajánlás otthoni munkavégzés szabályozásához
Recommendation for museums, how to regulate their home office employment. Downloadable documents, blank forms, information on labour legislation.
Gyűjteményi nyilvántartások az otthoni munkavégzésben
Proposals and inspirations: how to develop your digital databases and collection management systems via home office? Downloadable hand-guide for digital publishing, best practices and useful links of national and European museum aggregation platforms.
Múzeumok a virtuális térben: körkép itthonról és a világból
Thematic collection of digital contents and social media:
- Join our Instagram and share any museum content what calms you and helps you to tolerate these hard days.
- Download some useful books and education content and start self-education at home! Take the advantages of your obligatory stay at home and develop your knowledge and skills!
- Visit the website https://magyarmuzeumok.hu/cikkek/muzeumozzaszobadbol and join #muzeumozzaszobadbol - a platform for digital museum contents like virtual tours, databases, browse collections etc. (In the last few days 9 Hungarian museums joined and shared its digital contents on this platform, to keep contact with their audiences.)
- The National Museum's Methodological and Information Centre (OMMIK) shared some Twitter initiations like #MuseumFromHome and #MuseumMomentofZen
- Best practices and recommendations for museums, how to adopt their digital solutions to the changing circumstances: https://magyarmuzeumok.hu/cikk/kultura-kozvetitve-lehetosegek-az-online-muzeumi-jelenletre-nem-csak-a-jarvany-idejen
- Info and link about NEMO's survey, the coronavirus impact on the European museum sector.
- Info and link of a survey on 'Digital education and museum ontents'. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe1ls4EkxMRUb-9H2Ig1QGdBIZHEWCi1OPHYCU3CxuoqlrSTw/viewform The Hungarian Open-Air Museum announced a questionnaire for teachers, to investigate what kind of museum contents would be useful to support the e-teaching. In Hungary the schools (as buildings and as public spaces) are closed, but the academic year is carried on by electronic curriculum. The schoolchildren and students learn via internet from their homes. The teachers suddenly need huge amount of authentic and trustworthy digital content, and not only for History or Art History, but many more subjects as well. The target group of the survey are the public education professionals, teachers and school directors. We ask them to let us know their expectations, their needs, and hopefully the museum sector will be able to give relevant answers for the needs of public education.