A Flash Eurobarometer study about tourism, published in November 2021, shows that a majority of European Union citizens expect the Covid-19 pandemic to have long-term effects on their travel behaviour. 38% predict that they will…
On 17 December 2021, NEMO joined the second joint meeting in preparation of the upcoming European Year of Youth 2022.
On 14 December 2021, NEMO joined the sixth meeting of the European Commission’s Expert Group on Cultural Heritage.
Culture Action Europe has published a report that presents an overview of the level of support for culture in the National…
In preparation for the launch of 10 Horizon Europe funding and tender opportunities for culture on 20 January 2022, the European…
On 29 November 2021, the European Commission published the interactive guide CulturEU, which maps all 2021-2027 EU level funding available for the cultural and creative sectors. It gathers 75 funding opportunities from 21…
On 10 November, the European Commission published a recommendation on a common European data space for cultural heritage with the…
From 13-15 December 2021, NEMO and 34 other participants will be meeting in Rotterdam, Netherlands, to brainstorm and prepare for the structured dialogue (RE)-ENGAGING DIGITAL AUDIENCES IN THE CULTURAL SECTORS - IMPROVING AUDIENCE…
NEMO wants to share an update of recent steps made by EU Members States in the process of implementing the Directive on Copyright…