In an urban landscape, a plant is growing from a concrete street.
UN Summit of the Future recognises culture’s…

At the September 2024 Summit of the Future, global leaders adopted the action-driven Pact for the Future, which emphasises culture's essential role in advancing sustainable development.

European Commission allocates €11.7 billion to cultural and creative industries

The European Commission has earmarked €11.7 billion for the recovery and development of cultural and creative industries through…

European Commission reports on implementation of equality strategies

In September, the European Commission published reports on implementation of its equality strategies: LGBTIQ Equality Strategy, EU…

NEMO contributed to Creative Europe showcase…

On 2 October 2024, NEMO was invited to speak at the event ‘Creative Europe Showcase: vom Western Balkans Youth Orchestra zu Filmfestivals in Minecraft’ in Berlin, Germany.

G7 Culture Ministers declare culture a global public good in Naples Declaration

At the G7 Culture Ministers' meeting in Naples from 19–21 September 2024, member countries adopted the Naples Declaration,…

NEMO endorses call for strong EU leadership on culture

NEMO endorses a proposed mission letter to the next European Commissioner responsible for culture. The letter, published by…

Study on EU culture and creative sectors policy

A study for the CULT Committee provides a comprehensive overview and understanding of the main current and future issues to be…

 A row of cabinets is filled with server racks in a data center.
Be part of shaping the European Commission’s…

The European Commission's Artificial Intelligence Office has launched two key initiatives for the cultural sector to shape the implementation of the AI Act.

Publication highlights data, equity, and technology in cultural policy

ENCATC's Cultural Policy Tracker "Shaping a resilient and inclusive cultural future" explores the intersections of data, equity,…