Open letter: Make culture central in the EU Recovery

On 30 October 2020, together with 110 cultural organisations NEMO signed an open letter published by Culture Action Europe. The…

 This is the logo of Moi (Museums of Impact). The background is bright pink, while the writing is in white.
Contribute to an online stakeholder forum on…

On 10 November 2020, the first stakeholder forum of a MOI! Museums of Impact will take place. Stakeholders are invited to an online meeting to discuss current and future museums as well as how museums can approach and increase…

 Diagram illustrating 17 sustainable development goals. Each keyword is represented by a simple illustration in a colourful square.
NEMO will contribute with expertise on the…

NEMO and 44 other cultural organisations have been selected to discuss the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with the Europa Commission in a structured dialogue, organised by Voices of Culture.

EU Commissioner Gabriel gained unique…

On 2 October 2020, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth participated in a NEMO Political Internship at the Children’s Science Centre Muzeiko in Sofia, Bulgaria. The Commissioner was very…

Revisit the EU Presidency Conference -…

The recordings from the EU Presidency Conference - Museums and Social Responsibility: Values Revisited are now available on NEMO’s website and YouTube channel.

The European Parliament demands 13.5 billion Euro for cultural and creative sector

In order to cope with the Covid-19 crisis, the European Parliament is demanding that at least two percent of European Corona aid…

EU Commissioner Mariya Gabriel next to join a…

The European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth is confirmed to participate in a NEMO Political Internship on 2 October 2020 at the Children’s Science Centre Muzeiko in Sofia, Bulgaria.

 In this photograph a person takes a photo of a colourful and abstract installation using a tablet. The photo shows only their hands.
Joint statement on the EU public consultation…

In a statement NEMO, Culture Action Europe, ViMM and Michael Culture Association make important additions to the public consultation, which by no means cover all aspects of digital cultural heritage. NEMO also urged museums to use…

No cuts for Creative Europe in the next long-term EU budget

On 21 July 2020, the European Council adopted the recovery plan and multiannual financial framework for 2021-2027. The financial…