Europe-wide campaign calls for cultural and artistic freedom

The European Theatre Convention (ETC) has launched a campaign to protect culture in its diversity from attacks and bans. The initiative urges the European Parliament to take a definitive stance on cultural autonomy by enacting a proposed ‘European Culture Freedom Act’.

Alarmed by the acute threat to cultural diversity in Europe, 200 leading figures from 39 countries united to urge the European Parliament to take concrete action to defend artistic freedom. Representing 180 major national theatres, operas, festivals, and performing arts venues, they call on everyone to support the campaign by signing the petition ‘Resistance Now: Free Culture’.

NEMO supports the initiative and amplifies ETC’s message to ‘raise our voices in solidarity to protect the diversity and vibrancy of European culture’. All culture, including museums, face significant risks from politically driven funding cuts, layoffs, censorship, and outright bans. These threats were underscored during the recent NEMO European Museum Conference - Can we talk? Museums facing polarisation, held from 10-12 November 2024 in Sibiu, Romania.

The campaign has been launched in collaboration with Milo Rau and the Vienna Festival (Wiener Festwochen) / Free Republic of Vienna, the network of publicly-funded theatres European Theatre Convention (ETC), the Prospero – Extended Theatre platform and the network Opera Europa.