A group of people stand in front of a modern painting together with a museum educator. The image is photographed from bird perspective.
NEMO Webinar on trans inclusion in museums:…

Next Tuesday 10 September from 11:00-12:00 CEST, NEMO invites to a free of charge webinar that will help museums, galleries and cultural organisations advance trans inclusion - a step that inherently enhances inclusivity for all…

 Two children are photographed from the back in a blue lit exhibition space. One of them is sitting, the other one is standing in front of a tablet.
LGBTQIA+ teens most affected by the youth…

The mental health crisis among young people is hitting LGBTQIA+ teens particularly hard according to recent research. Learn below how NEMO is committed to help museums support and empower queer teens and other marginalised…

 Person standing with their back to the photographer in blue shirt and red cap leans over to look at objects in a display case.
Register to NEMO Webinar on advancing trans…

On 10 September, from 11:00-12:00 CEST, the next NEMO Webinar will take place. Members of the team at the University of Leicester’s Research Centre for Museums and Galleries (RCMG) will introduce participants to their recent…

 Auditorium full of people looking at two people on the stage. A sign shows that they are discussing EU culture policy.
Call for participation - Travel grants to…

NEMO is thrilled to announce two travel grant opportunities to the NEMO European Museum Conference “Can we talk? Museums facing polarisation”. Five young museum professionals and five museum professionals located in South and…

 Woman with her back to the camera is looking at a painting of a person in a black dress. The wall is also black which contrasts the woman's red dress.
Benefits and challenges of producing creative…

In an article for the American Alliance of Museums, Eli Burke, Education Director at MOCA Tucson, shares insights and lessons learned from developing creative ageing programmes for the LGBTQIA+ community.

Register to NEMO's European Museum Conference…

Join 200+ museum colleagues from all over Europe from 10-12 November in Sibiu, Romania, to be part of important conversations and discussions on the role museums (can) play in today’s challenged democracies.

Report on how museums can empower older adults

A report commissioned by the American Alliance of Museums is a call to action for museums to change the narrative about what it…

Call for participation - NEMO conference “Can…

Contribute to the 2024 NEMO European Museum Conference “Can we talk? Museums facing polarisation”, which seeks to address the vital role museums (can) play in today’s challenged democracies. NEMO invites you to shape the…

NEMO’s contribution in the fight against…

On this International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) we want to highlight some of NEMO’s upcoming actions in 2024 regarding fighting discrimination and increasing inclusion in museums.