The Learning Exchange was designed as an introduction to the concept of national and international outreach initiatives in museums using the example of Multaka. The learning exchange series offered experiences, knowledge and ideas that could contribute to implementing interactive projects like Multaka within museums throughout Europe and beyond.
The participants met for three engaging sessions on 8, 17 and 23 June 2021, with each session lasting for two hours. The exchange also included participatory activities, which challenged the participants to reconsider museum objects from different guide and visitor perspectives. Along side this, interactive and intercultural exercises and techniques were introduced and an online replication of the German Historical Museums’ exhibition “Report from Exile – Photographs by Fred Stein” was exemplified in order to showcase the Multaka blueprint. Participants also had the opportunity to ask Jreige and Fortmann-Hijazi in-depth questions about the “behind the scenes” challenges and changes within the program as well as the changing political context within which the program sits.
- Learn more about Multaka: Meeting point museum