Having sustainability as one of its main topics, NEMO welcomes the CULT committee’s intention of actively including the culture sector in the proactive approach to establish measures and dynamics for a greener future.
- Read NEMO's recommendations of measures to effectively "green" the Erasmus+, Creative Europe and European Solidarity Corps Programmes.
Culture Action Europe represented NEMO at the stakeholder meeting on 6 February 2020 and brought forward the network’s contribution and its main points. Apart from presenting the main points of NEMO, CAE also put forward the collected input, best practise examples and recommendations from its members to Rapporteur, MEP Laurence Farreng. Among the key messages Culture Action Europe brought to the table were the following:
- When talking about mainstreaming sustainability measures the question is twofold: not only how can culture adapt to the Green Deal but also what can culture contribute to the Green Deal.
- The strategy should adopt a transversal and integrated approach encompassing not only climate sustainability but all aspects of sustainable development (see Agenda21 for Culture and CAE’s paper on the transversal role of culture in all the 17 SDGs).
- It’s fundamental that all sustainability measures mainstreamed through Creative Europe will not negatively impact an already oversubscribed and underfunded programme but will be directly supported by other funding instruments (e.g. the Just Transition Fund).
NEMO's recommendations will also feed into a consolidated paper, which will be signed by culture organisations that are members of Culture Action Europe.