This images shows a map of Europe. The green dots represent the NEMO member states and indicate that the museums in these countries have all reopened.
NEMO map update shows that museums across all…

NEMO has updated its interactive map of museum reopenings and closings and is happy to confirm that all countries across Europe included in the map allow museums to be open. The last country to officially allow all museums to…

NEMO Learning Exchange with Multaka: Meeting…

Ten participants from seven countries met online for the NEMO Learning Exchange: “Multaka: Meeting point Museum”, led by Sarah Fortmann-Hijazi and Salma Jreige, project management team of the Multaka project in Berlin. They were…

Horizon Europe funding calls relevant for cultural hertiage

On 24 June 2021, calls for Horizon Europe Pillar 2, Cluster 2 'Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Societies' were published. The…

 The image consists of four images next to each other. Three of them show museum interiors and are tinted in a greyish green tone. The third from the left is a graphic of an ancient sculpture against a green background with lettering reading "Green Museum. A Podcast".
NEMO discussed sustainability in the Green…

In the recently published episode of the Green Museum, podcast host Hilary Wilson had invited NEMO Project Officer and sustainability expert Elizabeth Rosenberg to discuss museums’ role in ensuring a sustainable future and the…

 This images announces the digital conference Museums and Social Responsibility. Various logos of supporting and hosting organisations are included. The background is dark blue and shows pictogramms of people as well as a map of Europe.
Revisit the conference Museums and Social…

The recordings from the EU Presidency conference that took place online from 23-24 March 2021 are now available to be watched online. The conference was organised within the framework the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of…

Booklet facilitates understanding of digital cultural heritage impact

The project inDICEs – Measuring the Impact of Digital Culture has published the report Policy Analysis of Value Chains for CHIs in…

 This image announces the conference. Inside a white frame is a grey rectangle with text. Abstract forms are spread around the image.
NEMO discussed access to finance for the CCSs…

On 21 June 2021, NEMO Secretary General Julia Pagel joined the final conference of Creative FLIP: Flipping the future – Shaping policy, taking action. She contributed to the panel ‘So you need money?’ to discuss A2F policy making…

NEMO Training Course on Sustainability in…

Seventeen participants from twelve countries met online for the NEMO Training Course 'Sustainability in Cultural Heritage’. Caitlin Southwick of Ki Culture introduced the role and potential of sustainability in the culture sector.…

 The graphic is divided into two triangles. The upper left triangle is a painting of people holding hands and dancing against a blue background. The image on the lower right is a historic fresco of women holding hands and looking into the same direction. Between the two images a conference is announced.
NEMO spoke at conference about the new normal…

On 7 June 2021, the conference Visions and perspectives for museums and cultural institutions: six studies towards a new normal, organised by the Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali, the took place online. NEMO…