The training is hosted by the ASTRA Museum, a significant ethnographic institution in Romania and the largest Open-Air Museum in Europe. They will share their knowledge of working with the region to increase accessibility, facilitate the sustainable transition and how to organise efficient cultural management and leadership.
Apply until 31 March 2024 for the chance to join the 3-day programme that covers:
- Increasing accessibility through knowledge exchange: Engaging vulnerable communities from rural and urban areas with cultural-educational programmes.
- Museums as partners in the Green Transition: Knowing the past, building the future.
- Cultural Leadership - Cultural Management?: How to integrate both for a successful recipe.
Additionally, participants will get to join several study visits, small workshops as well as get input from the museum and the community. There is also an option to join an extended study trip on 25 May exploring the cultural landscape in the region of Sibiu.
- Learn more in the call for applications.
Six persons connected to NEMO members will be selected to participate free of charge and receive a travel grant of 600 euro. Non-members may join for a fee of €250 per course and are not covered by travel grants.
More about the Astra Museum
Since 2014, the ASTRA Museum has developed cultural programmes for the urban and rural communities to facilitate a greater understanding of the meaning of cultural heritage as their legacy. The programmes help them to embrace the museum, their own legacy, and to take part in it. ASTRA also promotes the cultural values of each area as an important point for local development through cultural tourism. The most important element of these programmes is sustainability and how we can learn from the past, how we can adapt current solutions to climate change, how we can use resources efficiently and how we can exemplify the SDGs. The programmes also outline how we can better understand the green transition and how to deal with waste.
In addition to hosting the NEMO Training in May, the ASTRA Museum is also hosting the 2024 NEMO European Museum Conference, dealing with inclusion and diversity, from 10-12 November. Sign up for a reminder to be first to learn when registration opens.