© Zeeuws Museum, Image: Anda van Riet One girl is using a tablet to film another girl who is talking with an older man, presumably about the painting behind them.
Register to NEMO webinar on audience measurement in the digital age

On 13 February from 11:00-12:00 CET, a NEMO Webinar will introduce key concepts of our latest publication ‘Connected journeys: Holistic audience measurement in the age of digital’. Participants will gain insights into holistic…

News from our members

  • Find out what’s happening in the European museum community.
Horizon Europe funding for culture: Join an info-day and brokerage event

In preparation for the launch of 10 Horizon Europe funding and tender opportunities for culture on 20 January 2022, the European…

 Group of people are sitting around a table with their backs to the photographer listening to a presentation.
2022 Erasmus+ funding call published with…

With an increased budget of close to 3.9 billion euro, the 2022 Erasmus+ Call for Proposals was published on 24 November 2021 together with the Erasmus Programme Guide. The programme will continue to provide opportunities for…

NEMO offered its expert opinion to EC study on fostering knowledge valorisation

Upon invitation, NEMO participated in an interview on 17 November for a study on “Fostering knowledge valorisation through the…

 The image is organised in 4 triangles. On the left is an image of a child with their back to the camera, painting on a wall. On the right is an image of a person painting on a canvas and looking towards the camera. The triangle on the top reads "The CulturEU funding guide" while the one on the bottom is purple and includes the logo of the European Commission.
Interactive guide maps EU funding available…

On 29 November 2021, the European Commission published the interactive guide CulturEU, which maps all 2021-2027 EU level funding available for the cultural and creative sectors. It gathers 75 funding opportunities from 21…

Watch online: NEMO Webinar on assessing…

For the last online training session of 2021 on 23 November, NEMO invited the SoPHIA project to describe their Holistic Heritage Impact Assessment Model to the NEMO members and webinar audience.

European Commission proposes a common European data space for cultural heritage

On 10 November, the European Commission published a recommendation on a common European data space for cultural heritage with the…

 Screenshot of an online presentation. On the left side are the presentation slides on project application processes. On the right side are videos of the speaker and participants.
Expert training based on NEMO toolkit…

From 18-20 November 2021, Margherita Sani gave an expert training on cross-border cooperation for museum professionals taking part in the project Be Museumer. NEMO is a partner of the project, which aims to contribute to the…

 This is a collage of three portrait photographs.
New members of the NEMO Executive Board…

On 17 November 2021, members of the network joined the NEMO Annual General Meeting for an update of recent and upcoming activities, the budget and to vote on new members to the executive board.

 Young person writing on a laptop
NEMO selected to discuss digital audiences in…

From 13-15 December 2021, NEMO and 34 other participants will be meeting in Rotterdam, Netherlands, to brainstorm and prepare for the structured dialogue (RE)-ENGAGING DIGITAL AUDIENCES IN THE CULTURAL SECTORS - IMPROVING AUDIENCE…