© Zeeuws Museum, Image: Anda van Riet One girl is using a tablet to film another girl who is talking with an older man, presumably about the painting behind them.
Register to NEMO webinar on audience measurement in the digital age

On 13 February from 11:00-12:00 CET, a NEMO Webinar will introduce key concepts of our latest publication ‘Connected journeys: Holistic audience measurement in the age of digital’. Participants will gain insights into holistic…

News from our members

  • Find out what’s happening in the European museum community.
 Screenshot of a zoom meeting of Nemo's board members.
The first online meeting of the NEMO…

On 4 June 2020, NEMO’s Executive Board had its first ever online board meeting. During their successful meeting, the board reached decisions concerning NEMO’s upcoming European Museum conference and the network’s COVID-19…

Support culture in the EU long-term recovery budget

NEMO has co-signed a statement by Culture Action Europe calling for giving culture a central place in the proposed EU long-term…

 This is a screenshot of a presentation given by a person online. A video of the speaker is embedded into the website.
NEMO discussed COVID-19’s impact on museum at…

NEMO was invited to join the panel “Museums and the Future We Want”, which took place online on 26 May 2020. The panel was part of the Russian “International Forum Museum Guide” and focused on museums and sustainable development…

NEMO spoke at a European web conference on the value and use of 3D digital…

On 27 May 2020, NEMO was invited to speak at the online conference “3D digital cultural heritage for resilience, recovery and…

CULT Committee expresses deep disappointment over budget proposal

NEMO is also deeply concerned about the proposed budget cuts of Erasmus+, Creative Europe and European Solidarity Corps. The…

European Museum of the Year Award 2021 - Application deadline extended

The European Museum Forum (EMF) announces that it has decided to go ahead with the competition for the European Museum of the Year…

NEMO Publication explores informal learning…

The new publication of the NEMO Working Group LEM – the Learning Museum, sets out to describe the peculiarities of learning journeys within museums. Benedetta Tiana, who was asked to carry out the research and write the report,…

Call for abstracts - Publication on sustainability in cultural heritage

A collection of case studies, reflections on individual experience, and broader analyses of the notion of sustainability as it…

 This illustration announces a conference hosted by ICOM Azerbaijan. The left sides shows an illustration of people in colourful shirts looking at each other. The other side is filled with textual information about the conference.
NEMO delivered a key note speech at the…

On the International Museum Day, 18 May 2020, David Vuillaume, Chair of NEMO Executive Board opened the online conference “Museums for Equality: Diversity and Inclusion“ with a keynote speech. The conference was organised by the…