© Zeeuws Museum, Image: Anda van Riet One girl is using a tablet to film another girl who is talking with an older man, presumably about the painting behind them.
Register to NEMO webinar on audience measurement in the digital age

On 13 February from 11:00-12:00 CET, a NEMO Webinar will introduce key concepts of our latest publication ‘Connected journeys: Holistic audience measurement in the age of digital’. Participants will gain insights into holistic…

News from our members

  • Find out what’s happening in the European museum community.
Turkey’s museums struggle amid political…

In anticipation of NEMO’s European Museum Conference, ‘Can we talk? Museums facing polarisation’, we’re delighted to announce a series of articles from five talented museum professionals who have been awarded travel grants to…

European Commission reports on implementation of equality strategies

In September, the European Commission published reports on implementation of its equality strategies: LGBTIQ Equality Strategy, EU…

Let’s talk! How Bulgarian museums play a…

In anticipation of NEMO’s European Museum Conference, ‘Can we talk? Museums facing polarisation’, we’re delighted to announce a series of articles from five talented museum professionals who have been awarded travel grants to…

New platform aims to empower cultural heritage through AI

The recently launched AI4Culture platform presents an opportunity in the Data Space for cultural heritage and for the cultural…

NEMO training at the Louvre explored museums…

On 14-15 October 2024, a group of 10 NEMO members had the opportunity to meet with French colleagues in Paris for a workshop focused on the theme of eco-transition in museums and aimed to strengthen dialogue between museum…

NEMO Working Group delved into diversity and…

NEMO’s Working Group LEM - the Learning Museum met from 12-13 September 2024 in Tallinn, Estonia, upon invitation of NEMO’s Executive Board member Dagmar Ingi of the Estonian Museums Association. Participants got to visit several…

Final days to register to NEMO European…

Hurry up to get your ticket by 20 October to join the NEMO European Museum Conference 'Can we talk? Museums facing polarisation'. From 10-12 November in Sibiu, Romania, NEMO welcomes you to be part of important conversations and…

NEMO spoke at international museum conference…

On 10 October 2024, NEMO Policy Officer Elizabeth Wilde was an invited speaker at the international conference 'Heaven, earth, human, museum: Conserving the earth environment and linguistic diversity' in Seoul, South Korea.

 Two children are depicted dancing joyfully inside an exhibition space.
Dutch government's VAT increase threatens…

The Dutch government’s plan to increase VAT from 9% to 21% has prompted a united response in protest and joint action from key actors in the sports, media, books, culture, and the hospitality sectors.