NEMO guideline supports LGBTQIA+ inclusion in museums

At the recent NEMO European Museum Conference, NEMO launched its new resource ‘LGBTQIA+ inclusion in European museums: An incomplete guideline’. Next to an overview of relevant policies, the guide presents scenarios and practical…

News from our members

  • Find out what’s happening in the European museum community.
European Parliament proposes budget increase for the 2024 Creative Europe programme

On 18 October, the European Parliament announced support for an increase of the Creative Europe budget, rather than a 40 million…

NEMO European Museum Conference: Get inspired…

Six inspiring individuals will share their small and big steps for climate action in museums. Out of close to 30 applications to the 2023 edition of the Museum Project Slam, we chose to give the stage to these inspirational…

NEMO Working Group got to learn about…

Members of the NEMO Working Group LEM - The Learning Museum, which focuses its work on education in museums, met for its yearly study visit inSkopje, North Macedonia, from 5-7 October 2023. They got to visit eight museums and…

 A modern concrete building is covered by a vertical garden.
Contribute to research on preparing museums…

A German based research project wishes to collect national and international examples of museums’ journey towards more environmentally friendly operations. The aim of the project is to better prepare museums for climate change and…

NEMO Training guided participants to unlock…

In four weekly sessions in September, 20 museum professionals from across Europe met online to set up a sustainability plan for their institution for the next 12 months. The online NEMO Training was hosted together with ICCROM and…

NEMO moderated panel at international…

As one of the partners, NEMO was invited to moderate a panel at the intentional conference "Livable and Sustainable Heritage Cities” on 10 October in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Learn about open Horizon Europe calls…

NEMO highlights four calls under the Horizon Europe programme that are relevant to museums. Two upcoming events inform about the funding programme and offer a matchmaking session for potential partners who are interested in the…

European Commission opens calls to invest in data spaces for cultural heritage…

The European Commission has opened new calls for proposals under the Digital Europe Programme to invest in data spaces for tourism…

Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU…

At a meeting with the European Parliament’s Committee on Culture and Education (CULT) on 7 September 2023, Minister for Culture and Sport Miquel Iceta Llorens presented Spain’s main focuses on cultural policy.