NEMO guideline supports LGBTQIA+ inclusion in museums

At the recent NEMO European Museum Conference, NEMO launched its new resource ‘LGBTQIA+ inclusion in European museums: An incomplete guideline’. Next to an overview of relevant policies, the guide presents scenarios and practical…

News from our members

  • Find out what’s happening in the European museum community.
UK museum sector faces budget gaps and redundancies

The UK Museums Association reports that the English councils predict a £700m gap in culture and leisure budgets due to Covid-19.…

Webinar series on the future of museums

Leading up to the conference MUŻE.X - Shaping museum futures, the Department of Arts, Open Communities and Adult Education,…

inDICEs: Enhancing the impact of digital cultural heritage

inDICEs invites to its first online training on 15 and 16 September 2020. The workshops are free of charge and will map the needs…

 The photographs shows the window of a brick house. Behind the window a poster is attached, which shows a rainbow and reads "I see your true colours shining through".
Pan-European documentation of solidarity

The House of European History is collecting evidence of life in Europe during Covid-19 through its initiative Make Covid History and is accepting contributions to the growing collection.

Call for video presentations and posters for…

NEMO and the German Museums Association are inviting submissions of posters and video presentations on topics relevant for the upcoming online conference “Museums and Social Responsibility: Values Revisited”. The conference takes…

 Bird perspective of someone doing restoration work on an icon painting.
NEMO part of securing Erasmus+ funding for…

Together with 27 other organisations, NEMO applied to the funding strand SECTOR SKILLS ALLIANCES (Blueprint Cultural Heritage) within the EU funding programme Erasmus +. The consortium was successful and the project “Cultural…

 In the centre of the graphic is written #CallForKeynote in blue writing against a green background. Left of the lettering is an icon symbolising a megaphone.
Call for keynote on innovative ideas of…

Creative Europe Desk Germany is looking for a keynote speaker to present their innovative ideas for European cooperation and funding in the cultural and creative sector. The keynote will be part of the conference “Looking Ahead –…

 Detail of an iron handrail with view of the stairwell in the back.
1 out of 4 museums in The Netherlands fear…

A survey by the Netherlands Museums Association indicates that one out of four Dutch museums are in danger of closing permanently within the next year due to financial losses connected to COVID-19. The Museums Association demands…

UK cultural sector to receive a £1.57 billion rescue package

The UK government has announced a £1.57 billion rescue package for culture, arts and heritage. The UK Museums Association welcomes…