On the invitation of the Network of European Museum Organisations (NEMO), the European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth will participate in a NEMO Political Internship at the Children’s Science…
On 28 October 2020 at 11:00 CET, Maria Vlachou, Cultural Management and Communications consultant, will facilitate a NEMO webinar titled “Museums making sense – Dealing with the discomfort of a multicoloured world”. For one hour…
On 24 September, NEMO gave a presentation on museums, climate change and sustainability at the conference How to? From Climate Knowledge to Climate Action.
On 14 October at 11:00 CEST, Olaf Sperwer, Head of Digital at VRmed, will facilitate a NEMO webinar titled “The museum of the future: Digital transformation and immersive technologies”. The webinar will help museums realise their…
The European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth is confirmed to participate in a NEMO Political Internship on 2 October 2020 at the Children’s Science Centre Muzeiko in Sofia, Bulgaria.
In order to provide a focused assessment and evaluation of the current IP rules governing the activities of Cultural Heritage…
In a statement NEMO, Culture Action Europe, ViMM and Michael Culture Association make important additions to the public consultation, which by no means cover all aspects of digital cultural heritage. NEMO also urged museums to use…
Leading up to the next NEMO Political Internship in Museums, NEMO visited Muzeiko in Sofia, Bulgaria, to plan for the upcoming internship with Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and…
In two consultation workshops on 15 and 16 September, inDICEs - Measuring the Impact of Digital Culture will gather knowledge and…