On 30 June 2023, 20 persons connected to NEMO member organisations participated in a 3-hour online workshop with the special title “Overcome your data practise monsters”, which aimed to help participants feel more confident when…
Upon invitation, NEMO spoke at the conference “Filling Blind Spots. Placing Ukraine on Europe’s Cultural Map”, which was organised by OBMIN from 3-6 July 2023 in Warsaw, Poland. NEMO digitally joined a panel on setting up museum…
Be part of shaping the NEMO European Museum Conference: and… ACTION! Museums in the climate crisis by submitting an innovative and forward-thinking proposal for the session Museum Slam on Stories of Action. Proposals are accepted…
NEMO has issued a call for participation to encourage increased participation of museum colleagues from Central-Eastern Europe to join the NEMO European Museum Conference 2023. Six persons will be selected to receive a travel…
Join 200+ museum colleagues from all over Europe for NEMO's European Museum Conference 2023 “and... ACTION - Museums in the climate crisis” to explore how museums can take action for the climate and a sustainable future. Register…
From 7-9 June 2023, 8 members of the NEMO Working Group Digital Transformation met in Milan, Italy, for a study visit on digitalisation and audience, which is the current focus area of the group. The session was hosted by ICOM…
The second call of 2023 for the member exclusive NEMO One to One Mentoring programme is open until 31 July 2023. For the autumn round, another 5 persons will secure the opportunity to receive 2-3 online mentoring sessions from…
NEMO was invited by UNESCO to speak at the Multistakeholder Dialogue on Culture and Arts Education that took place from 25-26 May…
NEMO and ICCROM are thrilled to invite to the online training “Unlocking the power of museums for Sustainable Development” that will take place on 7, 14, 21 and 28 September 2023. José Luiz Pederzoli Jr., ICCROM, and Henry McGhie,…