From 13-15 December 2021, NEMO and 34 other participants will be meeting in Rotterdam, Netherlands, to brainstorm and prepare for the structured dialogue (RE)-ENGAGING DIGITAL AUDIENCES IN THE CULTURAL SECTORS - IMPROVING AUDIENCE…
On 9 November 2021, NEMO Secretary General participated in the online meeting “Europa fördert Kultur: Der Kompass für die…
On 3 November 2021, NEMO Secretary General joined an online meeting with the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.…
Join a free NEMO webinar on 23 November 2021 from 11:00-12:00 CET to learn about a new model that can be used to monitor and evaluate the effects and impact of museum activities, events and actions. The webinar is organised in…
On 27 October 2021, NEMO Secretary General, delivered a presentation about crisis response and digital development by European…
Upon an invitation from the i-Portunus project, NEMO joined an ideation workshop on 22 October 2021. The pilot scheme i-Portunus supports the mobility of artists, creators and cultural professionals. NEMO contributed input on…
Five NEMO members from four different countries got to take part in the third and final summer school series of ADESTE: FROM AUDIENCE TO PEOPLE - A journey for changemakers, which focused on audience development, changemaking and…
From 12-13 October 2021, NEMO attended the fifth meeting of the European Commission’s Expert Group on Cultural Heritage.
The European Commission has invited NEMO to participate in a kick-off meeting on 15 October 2021. The goal of the EU Pact for…