This graphic announces the Nemo European Museum Conference 2022 in Loulé, Portugal. The headline reads "Innovation begins within. Resilient museums in times of disruption". The text is white and the background consists of a blue and yellow abstract image.
NEMO celebrates 30 years with international…

NEMO, the Network of European Museums Organisations, is in Loulé, Portugal, right now for the annual NEMO European Museum Conference. The programme runs from 9-11 October and was officially opened this morning. Two days of…

 A person is standing on a footbridge inside a room with a floor covered by a mirror. The person is looking at their reflection.
Now online: NEMO Webinar on sustainability in…

On 22 September 2022, Tabea Leukhardt, Collective for future culture, delivered a free NEMO Webinar focused on sustainability in museums and how museums can transition to sustainability in a holistic, credible and future-oriented…

NEMO training on wellbeing and participation…

From 28-29 September 2022, a NEMO training day took place in Brescia, Italy, hosted by the Fondazione Brescia Musei. The focus was on “Participation and well-being” and the day included lectures by experts, study visits and…

NEMO members joined a training on…

On 16 September 2022, 11 people participated in a NEMO Training on decolonialisation in museums. The session was led by Dr Roshi Naidoo, Decolonising Programme Officer at the UK Museums Association. The training took place in…

 Grey gallery space with shiny floors that reflects the photos hung on the walls.
NEMO statement on the impact of the energy…

NEMO has been observing the exceptional increase of costs for electricity and gas the last months and how it affects museums. Some museums worry bills will increase by 400% and there are already reports of museums having to close…

 Five people, photographed from above, sit on a couch on a stage in a dimly lit room. One of them talks and holds a microphone. On the wall a map of Europe is projected.
NEMO participate in the Ars Electronica…

On 10 September 2022, NEMO Chair David Vuillaume joined the roundtable “Hatching the Future of Museums” to bring forward how networks are supporting and challenging museums, the importance of collaborations as well as the role the…

 Screenshot of a zoom meeting.
Meeting of the NEMO Executive Board

On 8 September 2022, the NEMO Executive Board met online to discuss the impact of the energy crisis in Europe on museums, the upcoming annual NEMO European Museum Conference in Portugal and the next steps of NEMO regarding climate…

NEMO will join a session on the European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural…

NEMO Secretary General will participate in a session on the “European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage” on 29 September…

Autumn cycle of NEMO One to One Mentoring

NEMO’s newest training activity for members offers one-to-one mentoring for 10 persons per year. In July, 5 persons were selected…