Two people sit in a dark exhibition space. They wear masks and look towards the left of the picture.
NEMO Policy Officer visits NEMO member House…

On 28 January 2022, NEMO's Policy Officer had the pleasure of meeting several representatives of NEMO member House of European History in Brussels, Belgium, while observing Covid-19 safety protocol.

NEMO joined workshop on resilient cultural and creative eco-systems

On 19 and 20 January 2022, NEMO participated in the online workshop "Resilient Cultural and Creative Eco-Systems: How can Cultural…

 Numerous people are standing in small groups and talk.
NEMO launches free trial memberships

Five museums or museum-oriented organisations will be granted free trial memberships to enjoy the benefits of a NEMO membership over the course of one year. Applications are welcome until 11 February 2022.

NEMO is co-organising an Italian event on museum education

Italian speaking museum professionals are welcome to join an online event dedicated to the meaning of heritage education and…

NEMO in podcast about adult learning in…

Upon invitation by the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA), NEMO joined an EPALE Podcast episode about museum education for adults.

NEMO attended an Advisory Board meeting of 4CH

On 15 December 2021, NEMO joined a meeting of the project 4CH in its capacity as a member of the Advisory Board. The event aimed a…

NEMO joined workshop on possible futures of the art field

On 17 December 2021, NEMO joined the workshop "Futures Thinking Workshop: Revealing the Plurality of Futures in the Art Field”.

 Photo of two people talking in a lecture hall.
NEMO and GEM to provide mentoring…

NEMO is thrilled to announce a partnership with the Group for Education in Museums (GEM). Starting 2022, 10 museum professionals connected to NEMO member organisations will be offered to participate in GEM’s One to One Mentoring…

NEMO part of preparing the European Year of Youth 2022

On 17 December 2021, NEMO joined the second joint meeting in preparation of the upcoming European Year of Youth 2022.