NEMO is part of a large-scale skills partnership for the Cultural and Creative Industries ecosystem that aims to establish a…
Be part of shaping the 2022 edition of NEMO’s European Museum Conference "Innovation begins within - Resilient museums in times of disruption" by submitting a proposal to the Museum Slam on failures and/ or for a workshop session.…
On 25 and 26 April 2022, NEMO joined an online meeting of the European Commission’s expert group on cultural heritage, of which…
On Earth Day 22 April 2022, the Network of European Museum Organisations (NEMO) is launching a survey to evaluate the status quo of European museums’ transition and journey towards sustainability in a time of climate emergency.…
On 15 March 2022, NEMO joined a meeting between the European Commission DG CNECT G2 and pan-European and international…
From 27-30 April 2022, the ENCATC Academy on Sustainable Cultural Management takes place in Maastricht, The Netherlands. Parts of the training will be available online. As a partner of the Academy, NEMO members have access to…
On 21 April 2022, three interpretation professionals with both Italian and international expertise will discuss and reflect upon…
Five people active within NEMO member organisations have been selected to take part in the first round of NEMO’s new training…
On 17 and 23 March, NEMO hosted its first online capacity building activity of 2022. 20 museum colleagues from all over Europe participated in the training: “Enhancing your Museum's Impact: Self-evaluation & development”,…