A recent report published by the Arts Council England, analyses how contingent valuation techniques can be used to measure the…
CHARTER - the European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance has released a new report: “Identifying gaps and needs in the educational and training programmes”. NEMO is one of the consortium partners of the Erasmus+ funded project.
According to a study by the SOM institute at Gothenburg University in Sweden, the public’s trust in museums remains high. The 2023 trust survey shows an increase from +59 to +72 in trust balance compared to last year's figures.
The European Commission has published the report “Culture and Democracy, the evidence - how citizens’ participation in cultural…
The UK Museums Association has published a toolkit to help museums ensure that their collections are well managed, sustainable,…
The German Museums Association has published a guideline with practical recommendations for climate action and ecological…
A new report by NEMO’s partner project the CHARTER Alliance looks back at the sector analysis performed so far by the project and…
The European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance CHARTER, Erasmus+ funded project, has published a database on cultural heritage education programmes in Europe, developed by Work Package 3 (WP3) – Vocational Education and Training…
A new report published by the NEMO Working Group LEM – the Learning Museum opens by stating that education and public engagement are key tasks of museums today. To contribute to this important work, the group is sharing a set of…