Secure final spots to NEMO training on using…

NEMO has extended the deadline until 28 April for applications to the online workshop series "Museums for sustainable development: Join the dots, tell the story" to fill the final few spots. José Luiz Pederzoli Jr., ICCROM, and…

Five new mentees selected for the NEMO One to One Mentoring programme

Five museum educators, connected to NEMO member organisations, from Greece, Ireland, Montenegro, Slovakia, Spain and have been…

 A white spiral staircase photographed from above. A person is standing on the stairs and touching the green plants in the middle.
Call for applications: NEMO Training guiding…

NEMO and ICCROM are thrilled to invite applications to an online workshop series that will take place on 5, 12, 19 and 26 June 2024. José Luiz Pederzoli Jr., ICCROM, and Henry McGhie, Curating Tomorrow, will lead the four-part…

 A person is demonstrating a traditional craft to a group of people.
Call for applications – NEMO Training on…

NEMO is accepting applications to a training opportunity on building strong relationships with regional communities from 23–25 May 2024 in Sibiu, Romania. Applications are welcome until 31 March.

Register to NEMO Webinar on rethinking museum…

The next free NEMO Webinar will take place on 9 April 2024 from 11:00-12:00 CEST. Maria Chiara Ciaccheri, accessibility expert, will talk about museum accessibility by sharing thoughts on how to generate real change.

Now online: NEMO Webinar on effective digital…

The recording of the recent NEMO Webinar with Medhavi Gandhi, founder of The Heritage Lab, is now available to watch online. The 1-hour webinar gives insights into how museum can use simple storytelling strategies to grow an…

Call for applications – Training on…

We are thrilled to announce our continued partnership with ENCATC for the upcoming 2024 ENCATC Academy on Sustainable Cultural Management and Policy. 6 NEMO members will be selected to participate for free to learn, co-create, and…

 A person, shown from behind, is taking a picture of a sculpture with their smartphone.
Register to a NEMO Webinar on effective…

On 1 February 2024 from 11:00-12:00 CET, the next NEMO Webinar will take place. Medhavi Gandhi, founder of The Heritage Lab, will share how museum can use simple storytelling strategies to grow an audience and connect with their…

Now online: NEMO Webinar on Emotion Design…

On 17 October 2023, Pepijn Wilbers, Partner and General Director at Studio Louter, facilitated a NEMO Webinar that explained how to make museums meaningful by using Emotion Design to create compelling stories that resonate with…